
Just Released - New Reporting Suite & Improved Document Distribution

Improved Document Distribution

At Caruso, we constantly ship new features to help fund managers delight their investors, build stronger capital relationships, improve operating efficiency, and reduce risk.

With that in mind, below is a quick overview of our latest features and improvements...

New Reporting Suite

New Reporting Suite

We’ve shipped a new reporting suite on the admin app to help fund managers access and interpret investor data to streamline operational and compliance activities.

We will be working with our clients to build out this reporting suite based on needs, however on day one Fund managers can download a large amount of useful reports including:

  • All Accounts Report - Detailed information about all investing entities and their key accounts.
  • All Investing Entities Report - Detailed information about all accounts and prospects.
  • All Holding Movement Report - Details registry of all unit movement (transfers, issuances and redemptions) over a period.
  • All Allocations Report - All investor allocation requests to support the tracking of capital raises.
  • Fund Holdings Report - All investors in a specific fund on a selected date. ​This report can also be downloaded directly from the Fund > Holdings tab.
  • Fund Holding Movement Report - Detailed registry of all unit movement (transfers, issuances and redemptions) since the fund's inception. ​This report can also be downloaded directly from the Fund > Holdings tab.
  • Offer Allocations Report - All investor allocation requests for a specific offer. Includes a breakdown of all underlying accounts and any outstanding tasks before confirming an allocation. ​This report can also be downloaded directly from the Offer > Allocations tab.

Coming soon:

  • All Funds Report - All funds and recorded metrics on a selected date.
  • All Distributions Report - Detailed information about all investing entities that received a distribution over a selected period.
  • All Holdings Report - All holdings across funds on a selected date. Includes key information about each fund, investing entity and their key account.
  • All Deposits Report - All payments received for allocation requests over a selected period.
  • All PEP Matches Report - All accounts and beneficial owners with PEP (Politically Exposed Person) matches over a period.
  • All Identity Duplicates Report - All accounts and beneficial owners with duplicate ID records.
  • All Operations Report - Operational metrics such as the number of new investors, and the value of units issued or transferred over a period.
  • Apportionment Report - Detailed information about investing entity ownership apportioned across a period.
  • Investor Lifetime Value Report - All accounts and beneficial owners related to investing entities, including the total capital committed and all connections across a period.
  • Investor Transactions Report - All transactions for a specific investing entity.
  • Investor Portal Engagement Report - Account activity on the Investor Portal.

Improved Investor Document Distribution

In this update, we give fund managers greater flexibility to share documents with individual investors and keep a record of those on the admin app. For example, a fund manager may have met with an investor and sighted a document verifying their source of wealth. The fund manager can simply upload this document against the investing entity. This notifies the investor that they can view the document in their investor portal. On the admin app, we have also made it easier for the fund manager to see which documents the investor can see.

This capability works towards having a single source of truth for investor information and allows fund managers and investors to quickly find the information they need.

Also new…

  • Admin users could previously raise an allocation request on the investor’s behalf by impersonating the investor on the investor portal. They can now do this directly from within the admin app.


If you want to see some of these features for yourself, simply email [email protected] and we can organise a product demonstration.

Lana Kamffer - Product Manager

Lana Kamffer

Product Manager

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